Judge Dredd // Helter Skelter

Carlos Ezquerra (Artist), Garth Ennis (Writer), Tom Frame (Letterer), Chris Blythe (Colourer), Henry Flint (Artist)

This story also features the Geeks from the VC's, Call-Me-Kenneth from Robot Wars, an invader from Colony Earth, War Marshal Kazan from The Apocalpyse War, Grampus the Klegg from The Day the Law Died, Fink Angel from The Judge Child, Don Uggie Apelino from The Ape Gang, Captain Skank from Pirates of the Black Atlantic, Murd the Oppressor from The Judge Child, a Smiling Chuckwalla from Strontium Dog, Nort soliders from Rogue Trooper, and Old One Eye from Flesh.
The radio transmissions in episode 6 come from Halo Jones, the VC's, M.A.C.H. 1, Rogue Trooper and Ace Trucking Co.
Episode 7 sees cameos by D.R. & Quinch, Rogue Trooper, ABC Warriors, Nemesis, Sam Slade & Hoagy, Slaine and, Halo Jones

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