Format: Digital

Product Code: PRG2362D

Released: 13th December 2023

Digital 2000 AD Prog 2362 (Christmas 2023)

A.I Dreaming of a Chaotic Christmas!

Writers: Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton, Peter Milligan, Kenneth Niemand, Torunn Gronbekk, Rufus Hound, Cavan Scott, Geoffrey D. Wessel

Artists: Richard Elson, Rufus Dayglo, Simon Coleby, Tiernen Trevallion, Tom Foster, Dan Cornwell, Tazio Bettin, Kieran McKeown, D'Israeli, Luke Horsman

Colourers: Gary Caldwell, Jose Villarrubia, Matt Soffe, Pippa Bowland, F Segala, S Del Grosso, Dylan Teague

Letterers: Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland, Rob Steen

Cover Artists: Cliff Robinson, Dylan Teague

The Galaxy’s Greatest Comic marks the end of another year with the traditional festive blowout – pre-order the 100-page mega-special featuring brand-new stories!

Feral & Foe, Helium, Enemy Earth and The Devil’s Railroad all continue, but they’re joined by a heavenly host of one-off stories: Judge Dredd tale by Ken Niemand & Tom Foster, Azimuth by Dan Abnett & Tazio Bettin, Rogue Trooper by Geoffrey D. Wessel & Simon Coleby, Fiends of the Eastern Front by Ian Edginton & Tiernen Trevallion, Anderson, Psi-Div by Torunn Gronbekk & Kieran McKeown, and Strontium Dog by Rufus Hound & Dan Cornwell.

On sale 13 December, Prog 2362 isn’t a Christmas stocking-stuffer – it’s a Yuletide mind-expander!


Judge Dredd: A Matter of Life & Dredd by Ken Niemand & Tom Foster

Azimuth: Snow Zone by Dan Abnett & Tazio Bettin

Anderson, Psi-Division: The Game Within by Torunn Gronbekk & Kieran McKeown

Rogue Trooper: Runaway by Geoffrey D. Wessel & Simon Coleby

Fiends of the Eastern Front: Silent Knight by Ian Edginton & Tiernen Trevallion

Strontium Dog: Alpha by Rufus Hound & Dan Cornwell

Helium: Scorched Earth (part 11) by Edginton & D’Israeli

The Devil’s Railroad (part 10) by Milligan & Dayglo

Feral & Foe: Bad Godesberg (part 11) by Abnett & Elson

Enemy Earth Book III (part 3) by Scott & Horsman


Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » A Matter Of Life & Dredd (Part 1)

Mega-City One, 2145 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America with the irradiated Cursed Earth to the west and the poisoned Black Atlantic to the east. Unemployment is rife, and crime is rampant. Tensions rest on a knife-edge and only the zero-tolerance Judges can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law!

Azimuth » Snow Zone (Part 1)

Welcome to the city of AZIMUTH, a data-driven metropolis, where anything is possible. Ruled by an aristocracy of the New Flesh, such concepts of life, death, and body-forms are fluid. Anyone can take any shape, if it can be conceived by the imagination. The New Flesh masters have been troubled by strange dreams and portents, which seem to have predicted the coming of a stranger — none other than Ramone Dexter...

Anderson, Psi-Division » The Game Within (Part 1)

Mega-City One, 2145 AD. Psi-Division is a section of Justice Department that specialises in Judges with accentuated psychic talents — from precognition to exorcism, astral projection to pyrokinesis, its operatives deal with all manner of paranormal crimes. Cassandra ANDERSON is Psi-Div’s top telepath, who has been responsible for saving the city on a number of occasions from supernatural threats...

Fiends Of The Eastern Front » Silent Knight (Part 1)

In 1980, the diary of German soldier Hans Schmitt was discovered in Berlin, detailing events that occurred in 1941, when he encountered the terrifying vampire Captain Constanta and his Romanian platoon. But Schmitt was not the first person to meet Constanta — the vampire has popped up throughout history, in various countries and under various guises, and in Romania he ruled over his cowed subjects...

Strontium Dog » Alpha (Part 1)

Late 22nd century. After the Atomic Wars, many survivors were warped by the Strontium 90 fallout. These ‘mutants’ became a victimised underclass, forced into ghettos, and the only job open to them was bounty hunting. One such Search/Destroy agent, or STRONTIUM DOG, is Johnny Alpha, whose eyes emit piercing alpha waves. Partnered with his Viking buddy Wulf Sternhammer, they’re good men in a bad galaxy...

Rogue Trooper » Runaway (Part 1)

Nu Earth, site of a galactic war between the Norts and the Southers, where use of chemical weapons has rendered the atmosphere poisonous. So the Southers created the Genetic Infantrymen, bred to be immune to the planet’s lethal cocktail of pollutants — G.I.s like ROGUE TROOPER, the last of his kind. Together with biochip buddies Helm, Gunnar and Bagman, they’re searching for the traitor that sold them out...

Helium » Scorched Earth (Part 11)

The far future. It has been three hundred years since the Great War ended, and eighty five per cent of the Earth’s surface now lies beneath a vast gaseous ocean known as the Poison Belt — a toxic cocktail of biological weapons. The survivors live above the lethal fugue, but a professor named Bloom has emerged, claiming he can make the planet habitable again. Young Constable Hodge was tasked with protecting him...

Enemy Earth » Enemy Earth: Book Three (Part 3)

The near future. Mother Nature has turned against the people that live upon the Earth’s surface. Now, the planet’s flora and fauna have mutated and are viciously attacking humanity. As society crumbles, and survivors seek safety, young Zoe, who has lost her own family, has rescued Jules, who’s the prime minister’s son. Now, the pair have been reunited with the PM, and they’re journeying to India...

The Devil's Railroad (Part 10)

NEW THRILL! Planet Diaspora X-167, in the Earth year of 3038. This is a world that has been ravaged by war, a conflict that sees no sign of ending despite years of death and destruction. As the survivors living amongst the ruins become used to the daily bombings, for one couple, Palamon and Constance, it is time to escape the caranage. If they’re to seek a new life, they must take a risky journey...

Feral and Foe » Bad Godesberg (Part 11)

It’s been over five years since the Last-of-All-War, when the Monarchy succeeded in defeating the Malign Lord. With their leader dead, his minions are scattered, fleeing retribution from the Wretchfinders. Necromancer Bode and warrior Wrath are two such beings, and were offered a deal — hunt and kill their own kind or be declared FERAL & FOE. So now they’re in the bounty-hunting business...

Stories include:

  • A Matter Of Life & Dredd
  • Snow Zone
  • The Game Within
  • Silent Knight
  • Alpha
  • Runaway
  • Scorched Earth
  • Enemy Earth: Book Three
  • The Devil's Railroad
  • Bad Godesberg