Format: Digital

Product Code: PRG2342D

Released: 26th July 2023

Digital 2000 AD Prog 2342

Urban Renewal

Writers: Dan Abnett, David Hine, John Tomlinson, Rob Williams, Kenneth Niemand

Artists: Boo Cook, Eoin Covenay, Simon Fraser, Tom Foster, Tazio Bettin

Colourers: Chris Blythe, Matt Soffe, Jim Boswell

Letterers: Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland

Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » A Fallen Man (Part 2)

Mega-City One, 2145 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Crime is rampant, and only future cops the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law! Now, a former Judge called Kyle Asher has returned from Titan, and is working for the Mob...

PORTALS & BLACK GOO » Night Shift (Part 3)

NEW THRILL! London, 2023. Amongst the regular people living in the capital, there are also denizens of the dark — creatures of myth and legend that have embedded themselves in society. Vampires, werewolves, demons — they’re part of the population now (and more often than not are the victims of prejudice and discrimination). They also have their own particular diets, which is where Devouroo comes in...

Void Runners » Void runners (Part 8)

The far future. The vast collection of beings upon multiple planetary systems discovered by humanity make up the Federation, and such an immense group of races and civilisations requires an enormous level of control. The Ankorites have taken it upon themselves to rule the Federation, using the drug Kali’s Dust to stimulate visions, and employing footsoldiers the Subjugators for more physical oppression...

Hershey » The Cold in the Bones: Book Two (Part 2)

Barbara Hershey was a respected young officer before she became Chief Judge. Leading the city through numerous challenges, the ‘Small House’ affair and the revelation of Judge Smiley’s clandestine operations on her watch made her reevaluate her position. Seriously ill from a microbial virus, she’s faked her death to deal with his legacy, and now alien creatures are loose, the result of a drug operation...

Azimuth » The Stranger (Part 1)

Welcome to the city of AZIMUTH, a data-driven metropolis, where anything is possible. Ruled by an aristocracy of the New Flesh, such concepts of life, death, and body-forms are fluid. Anyone can take any shape, if it can be conceived by the imagination. The New Flesh masters have been troubled by strange dreams and portents, which seem to have predicted the coming of a stranger — none other than Ramone Dexter...

Stories include:

  • A Fallen Man
  • Night Shift
  • Void runners
  • The Cold in the Bones: Book Two
  • The Stranger