Format: Digital

Product Code: PRG2203D

Released: 13th October 2020

Digital 2000 AD Prog 2203

Oder & Rule

Writers: Alec Worley, Arthur Wyatt, Ian Edginton, Rob Williams, James Peaty

Artists: Boo Cook, D'Israeli, Leigh Gallagher, Paul Marshall, Tiernen Trevallion

Colourer: Dylan Teague

Letterers: Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland

Cover Artist: Jake Lynch

Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Carry the Nine (Part 4)

Mega-City One, 2142 AD. Home to over 140 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Crime is rampant and only the Judges — zero-tolerance cops empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law! Now, Dredd and the city attempt to recover after the destruction wrought by the Four Horsemen...

Stickleback » New Jerusalem (Part 4)

London, the end of the nineteenth century. STICKLEBACK is a master criminal, pulling the strings amidst the denizens of the capital’s underworld, and led a gang of freaks, oddballs and semi-supernatural entities that had the city under their thumb. Mystery has always surrounded his past, and his identity has now been revealed as none other than Sherlock Holmes himself. But London faces a dire threat from otherworldly creatures...

Skip Tracer » Hyperballad (Part 4)

The Cube, the 27th century. This vast city was once a monitoring station, but has been refitted by the Earth-led Consociation as a solution to a universal housing problem, where it’s become home to every kind of wanted criminal. That’s where SKIP TRACER Nolan Blake comes in, a former soldier turned tracker, who wields powerful psi-abilities. Now, following Nimrod’s attempt to destroy the Cube, it’s in orbit above Balbuena...

Fiends Of The Eastern Front » Constanta (Part 3)

In 1980, the diary of German soldier Hans Schmitt was discovered in Berlin, detailing events that occurred in 1941, when he encountered the terrifying vampire Captain Constanta and his Romanian platoon. But Schmitt was not the first trooper to meet Constanta — the vampire was on the Western Front too, in France in 1916. Now, in 1921, a British pilot, Lieutenant Tim Wilson, has travelled to Romania in search of him...

Hook-Jaw (Part 4)

His name is legend, a myth that has passed into popular culture via stories, word of mouth, comics, merchandise, and more — that of the formidable Great White shark known as HOOK-JAW. A spear protruding from his lower jaw, few who encounter him live to tell the tale, so terrible is his hunger. Bodies rent asunder in his wake, the sea stained red with the blood of his victims, he’s a true terror of the deep...

Stories include:

  • Carry the Nine
  • New Jerusalem
  • Hyperballad
  • Constanta
  • Hook-Jaw