Format: Digital

Product Code: PRG1455

Released: 7th September 2005

Digital 2000 AD Prog 1455

Episodes include:

Robo-Hunter » Stim! (Part 6)

Back in the early part of the 22nd century, Sam Slade was the greatest ROBO-HUNTER that had ever lived. Together with his dumb droid understudy Hoagy and robotic cigar Carlos Sachez Robo-Stogie, he was responsible for cracking some of the future's biggest cases. But after they squandered his billions, Sam sold off his robot assistants. Some years later, Sam was reunited not only with Hoagy and Stogie but also his granddaughter, Samantha, when he needed help retrieving his body from an insane collector. Now, Samantha has realised robo-hunting can be a lucrative business...

Invasion » Out of Order (Part 6)

In 1999, Britain was invaded by the Volgans, led by the despotic Marshal Vashkov. With the royal family exiled, and a puppet government installed, the United Kingdom was quickly under oppresive military rule. When London lorry driver BILL SAVAGE discovered his wife and kids had been killed by a stray Volgan shell, he began a one-man war against the aggressors. He escaped to Canada, but in 2004 - with help from the CIA - he returned under the identity of his dead brother Jack and continued to lead the resistance. But now he has been captured by the Security Police...

Leatherjack » Leatherjack (Part 6)

The Klash is the war to end all wars. A conflict of intergalactic proportions, the whole quadrant is locked in stalemate between two hugely powerful rival factions - the Khmer Noir, ruled by the terminally ill Lord Qwish, and the Empire of Spinsters, half-senile fanatics headed by the Dowager Khan, who are leading a holy crusade against smut and indecency. Caught in the crossfire is the library-world of Shibboleth, a planet which contains every book in every language ever written. The Spinsters want this hive of filth destroyed, but for Qwish it may hold the answer to his prayers...

Breathing Space » Breathing Space (Part 5)

2127 AD. The moon-based colony of Luna-1 has essentially been a neutral outpost for the Mega-Cities - following the International Lunar Treaty of 2061, a million square miles of the moon's surface was divided between the three great cities of North America, and every six months a new Judge-Marshal is chosen to administer justice. Judge King is the latest to be appointed...

Judge Dredd » Mandroid (Part 3)

Mega-City One, 2127 AD. This vast urban nightmare is home to 400 million citizens, crammed into giant citi-blocks, and with unemployment endemic and boredom universal, only the Judges can prevent total anarchy. Empowered to dispense instant justice, these future lawmen are judge, jury and executioner. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD- he is the Law!

Droid Life » Shakara (Part 1)

Comical tales from the Nerve Centre sub-basement as Tharg's minions put together the Galaxy's Greatest Comic.