Format: Digital

Product Code: MEG397D

Released: 19th June 2018

Digital Judge Dredd Megazine 397

Writers: David Baillie, Michael Carroll, Si Spencer, Rory McConville

Artists: Brendan McCarthy, John Higgins, Michael Dowling, Steven Austin, Nicolo Assirelli

Colourers: Eva De La Cruz, Len O'Grady, Sally Hurst

Letterers: Annie Parkhouse, Ellie De Ville, Simon Bowland

Cover Artist: Cliff Robinson

Cover Colourer: Dylan Teague

Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » This Corrosion (Part 2)

Mega-City One, 2140 AD. This vast urban hell on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to over 100 million citizens. With the population crammed into giant city-blocks, and unemployment widespread, crime is rampant. Stemming the tide of chaos are the Judges, empowered to dispense instant justice. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd – he is the Law!

The Returners » Irmazhina (Part 4)

Ciudad Barranquilla, 2140 AD. This South American metropolis, sometimes referred to as ‘Banana City’, is a notoriously poor and corrupt enclave, ruled over by a Justice Department in the pockets of the cartels. Life on its streets can be short and violent, but for four very different people death is not the end but the start of something terrifying...

Devlin Waugh » Kiss of Death (Part 1)

Brit-Cit, 2140 AD. A freelance paranormal troubleshooter and exorcist for the Vatican, Devlin Waugh is the world’s foremost supernatural investigator. Despite becoming a vampire after getting bitten tackling an outbreak in an underwater prison, Devlin’s escapades have ensured he’s one of the most recognised celebrities on the circuit, and many seek out his company...

Tales from the Black Museum » Prophet of Stomm (Part 1)

Mega-City One, 2140 AD. Deep in the heart of the Grand Hall of Justice lies the Black Museum, Justice Department’s permanent exhibition of the relics from bygone crimes. Whether it’s a notorious serial killer’s trophies or the weapons of the Dark Judges, the violent history of the Big Meg is laid bare here. Let guide Henry Dubble show you around...

Chopper » Wandering Spirit (Part 3)

The Oz Radback, 2140 AD. Marlon Shakespeare was once one of MC-1’s greatest skysurfers, winning the illegal Supersurf 7 before escaping from the cubes to travel to Oz to participate in Supersurf 10. After the slaughter of Supersurf 11 in MC-2, he retired to Oz, where he’s mostly led a trouble-free life. After a stint as a beachguard, he’s now back in the Radback...

Stories include:

  • This Corrosion
  • Irmazhina
  • Kiss of Death
  • Prophet of Stomm
  • Wandering Spirit