Format: Digital

Product Code: PRG2395D

Released: 14th August 2024

Digital 2000 AD Prog 2395

The Red Baroness

Writers: Dan Abnett, John Wagner, Mike Carroll, David Barnett, Geoffrey D. Wessel

Artists: Colin MacNeil, INJ Culbard, Paul Marshall, Lee Milmore, Joe Currie

Colourers: Chris Blythe, Quinton Winter, Pippa Bowland

Letterers: Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell , Simon Bowland

Cover Artist: Frazer Irving

Episodes include:

Judge Dredd » Machine Rule (Part 4)

Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Crime is rampant, and only future cops the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law! The Mark 8 Mechanismo robot Judges have been on the streets for several years now...

Rogue Trooper » Recon (Part 3)

Nu Earth, site of a galactic war between the Norts and the Southers, where the atmosphere has been rendered poisonous. So the Southers created the Genetic Infantrymen, bred to be immune to the pollutants — G.I.s like ROGUE TROOPER, the last of his kind. Together with biochip buddies Helm, Gunnar and Bagman, they’re searching for the traitor that sold them out...

Herne & Shuck » Suffer The Children (Part 4)

The UK, 2024. Herne is a troubleshooter and hired help for many different magical factions in the country. Accompanied by Shuck, a demon in dog form, he travels the country picking up work where he can, whether it be exorcism or a rescue. Recently, he was tasked with saving a young girl called Carys, only to find out she was scheduled for ritual sacrifice. The pair are now trying to get the child to safety...

Brink » Consumed (Part 18)

The late 21st century, and through environmental catastrophe and industrial overload Earth has been reduced to a wasteland. Mankind finally evacuated the planet in 2072 and millions were housed in a number of deep-space Habitats. But life on these cramped, overcrowded stations is tense, often spilling over into madness. Sects are rife, and Bridget Kurtis of the Habitat Security Division is investigating their reach...

Silver » Unearthed: book 1 (Part 6)

Mega-City One, 2146 AD. Home to over 200 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Crime is rampant, and only future cops the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law! Now, a powerful mage has travelled from Cal-Hab to MC-1, hunting down a pair of necromancers...

Stories include:

  • Machine Rule
  • Recon
  • Suffer The Children
  • Consumed
  • Unearthed: book 1