Simon Gurr

Simon Gurr was the first writer/artist to win Tharg's PitchFest, sharing the award with now legendary writing talent Simon Spurrier. This monumentous event quickly led to the appearance of the strange tale 'The Enhancer' - possibly the first strip in 2000AD to be drawn entirely in vector graphics. Soon after, the trail runs dry. After Gurr's mysterious disappearance, only a few clues surfaced to suggest he still lived. Artwork to another Future Shock was credited to him, but editorial staff claim the pages were delivered anonymously on CD-Rom, so we must discount this as evidence. Three episodes of Sinister Dexter, drawn by Steve Roberts unaccountably developed strange hues, the pigmentation apparently caused by electronic manipulation of Roberts' original artwork. Significantly, the third of these altered episodes appeared years after the first two, supporting the 'expert' view that Gurr's paramaterial influence is finally fading. However, if the booze-tinged ramblings of 2000AD artists are to be believed (they aren't), Gurr is stlll occasionally glimpsed in the gloomy bowels of the Raj Tandoori, Bristol.