Brett Ewins

Brett Ewins graduated from Goldsmiths College in South East London in 1977. He started drawing covers for the top-selling British comic 2000 AD. From there he drew his first episode of Judge Dredd in the classic, defining story "The Day the Law Died". From that work came more Judge Dredds, including "The DNA Men", episodes of Brett won an Eagle award for Skreemer, soon to be re-published as a graphic novel.ABC Warriors, Rogue Trooper, a stint on Judge Anderson then most notably Bad Company. For the US, Ewins has drawn Strange Days (with Brendan McCarthy), Johnny Nemo (written by Peter Milligan), Swamp Thing, Hellblazer and Skreemer (which won an Eagle award). He was editor and publisher on Deadline magazine (with Steve Dillon). Ewins now spends his time painting and has enjoyed several exhibitions of his work.